
- 01/01/2024

2023 through pictures

2023 was a year of creativity, innovation and success for Wilmotte & Associés Achitectes, marked by a series of varied projects in France and abroad. Sites have sprung up from Cognac to Paris, encompassing projects as diverse as railway stations, head offices, campuses, the forecourt of a basilica and sports complexes.

The agency’s successes have crossed borders, winning exciting challenges in Korea, Uzbekistan, Georgia and France. Winning projects include art centres, eco-neighbourhoods, museums, university hubs, housing, and iconic towers, a police hotel, luxury hotels, a foundation, railway stations, and Zones d’Aménagement Concerté (ZACs).


Projects on a variety of scales have been at the heart of nos en 2023, from the United Nations House in Senegal to the Orléans Departmental Archives and the Servier Research Institute. Addresses such as the Domaine de la Reine Margot, the Grand Hôtel de Serre Chevalier and the Théâtre Jean-François Voguet, as well as various restaurants, offices and flat blocks, bear witness to the agency’s versatility and excellence.