Prize W
- 2007
Prize W 2007, Saint-Venant

Foundation W
The subject of the 2007 W Prize, the Lepoivre flour mill in Saint-Venant, whose origins date back to the 19th century, shows how actions to recognise a heritage, however humble, are meaningful and fundamental. The subject has the capacity to bring together two disciplines in addition to architecture: landscape art and contemporary art.

The relevance of the projects received testifies to this: a balancing design that crosses the site in “layers”, a “parasitic” graft that shelters, a generous nature of proliferating silos, or a backbone of the old building; if only for the first and second prizes. The playful aspect is enhanced this year by the very serious notion of high environmental quality carefully considered by the candidates.
Jury: André Flajolet, Member of Parliament for Pas-de-Calais; Andrea Bruno, architect; Olivier Brochet, architect; Odile Decq, architect; Bruno Fortier, architect-urban planner; Finn Geipel, architect-teacher; Manfred Grohmann, architect-engineer; Mireille Gruber, director of the Ecole de Chaillot; Karine Herman, architect; Alain-Charles Perrot, ACMH; Francis Rambert, director of the Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine.
Bilingual French / English